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César Pabón Camacho

Cesar is currently pursuing a Master's in Public Administration and International Development (MPA-ID) at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS). Previously, Cesar worked as advisor of the Ministry of Planning of the Government of Colombia, where he coordinated the implementation for the full adoption of a regulatory reform at the Executive Branch. He also worked as Macroeconomic Policy Advisor at the Ministry of Finance in Colombia and at Fedesarrollo, a think tank based in Bogota, where he was involved in the elaboration of periodical macroeconomic reports and participated in thorough research. Cesar holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and a dual master’s degree in Economics and Public Policy from Universidad de Los Andes. At HKS, Cesar is the co-chair of the Colombian Caucus and the Editor-in-Chief of the Latin American Policy Journal. He has a keen interest on the political economy of industrial policy, monetary policy and economic growth. Cesar also enjoys running and is an amateur tennis and football player.

Harvard Affiliation / Current Practice

  • Harvard Kennedy School

    Master in Public Administration and International Development 2020

Research and Professional


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