Killiam Alberto Argote
Dr. Killiam A. Argote is currently a Disaster Medicine Fellow at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School. He was born in Valledupar - Colombia on December 4th, 1985, receiving his Medical Doctor and Emergency Medicine Specialty degrees at Universidad de Antioquia in Medellín-Colombia. He has worked in his home country for the public and private sectors as an Emergency Medicine Specialist.
In past years, he was a professor of the Prehospital Emergency Care Program at Universidad de Antioquia, where he developed the Tactical Medicine Course. He was also the Emergency and Trauma Unit Chief Physician at Hospital Internacional de Colombia (2017-2018).
He has been a speaker of many conferences, some of them are: III International Congress of Urgency and Emergency Medicine, "Headaches: Clinical approach and Management" (Medellin, 20-21 Oct. 2017), V Emergency Medicine Symposium, "Vertigo in the Emergency Department, whom I should study?" (Medellin, 6-7 Apr. 2017), IV Emergency Medicine Symposium, "Clinical approach and management of the over anticoagulated patient in the Emergency Department, (Medellín, 8-9 Apr. 2016), Emergency Medicine Diploma Cohort XI, "Advanced life support course" (Medellin, 18 Oct. 2015), Update Course for general practitioners, "Ebola, principles of attention in the Emergency Department", (Medellin, 19-21 Feb. 2015).
Nowadays Dr. Argote is the Vice-President for Academic Affairs in the Harvard Colombian Student Society at Harvard University and also a member of the Colombian Urgency and Emergency Specialist Asociation (ACEM), and the Latin American and the Caribbean Chapter of the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM).
Harvard Affiliation / Current Practice
Harvard Medical School
Fellowship in Disaster Medicine, 2019